Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm beer, people!

Erm... that would be, here.

Participants, you are no doubt wondering just where the hell I've made off with your portraits, thoughts, and opinions. They're still stored safely and they are most definitely still on my mind. I've just been busy with a different project lately. Ready yourself for my Big Fat Excuse. I suggest getting a beer.

This past year has been solely dedicated to opening our brewery. Website. Blog. In short, over the past 18 months, we formed our company; raised enough money to start it; found a space; waded through legal paperwork; dealt with contractors (all Boomers, more on that later); and learned to do things like hang drywall, use pipe dope (heh), and operate a forklift. Due to a marathon brewing schedule, we now have 60 barrels of beer fermenting. We're hopefully coming to the point of having something that resembles a routine. A 12-hour day routine, but hell, we know we can at least squeeze in an episode of Star Trek before falling asleep each night.

Does that mean I'll finally have time to work more regularly on the GenX Project? No promises. But I do think about it a lot. Not only do I think about you, the participants, who offered up some time to share your opinions and allowed me to steal a little of your soul with my Mamiya. But I also run into situations, news, conversations, and occurrences that make me think about our generation and how we seem to be interacting with our world.

I figure this might be a good place to update you on my progress, or lack thereof. Anyway, we might have a good conversation, debate, or all-out cyberbrawl over something I throw at this particular wall.